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Gardening Advice & Tips for Irish Gardeners
The growing season is coming to an end and now with all the hard work done its time to reap our rewards in the vegetable garden. The Harvest is an exciting time as we get the pick and eat fresh a wide range of fruit and vegetables directly in our garden. Different vegetables are harvested in...

It’s lucky that I'm not as picky as some of our supermarkets when it comes to the shapes and sizes of the vegetables that we eat. I was busy harvesting this weekend and all vegetables, both large and small passed my less than rigorous inspections. This is lucky for me because it seems that...

The extra lashings of maxicrop fertiliser have led to some big movements in the garden this week. Combine that with the above average temperatures over the past few days and growing rates have been going through the roof (of my garden netting!). Daytime highs of 26° Celsius and night time...

This weekend in the garden was really a general maintenance weekend as most other aspects of the garden are under control and with the frequent showers between the sunshine I let nature take its course and didn’t use my recently installed irrigation system. I have able to feast on some more...

Even with all the sunshine, the only thing I didn’t have to do this weekend was water my plants. That job is now done at the flick of a switch – or more accurately – a turn of the tap. This leaves me with time to get on with more pressing matters in the garden. With my irrigation system giving...

I wasn’t sure if we would ever get there but this weekend I found myself installing an irrigation system in my greenhouse & raised beds. With the current dry weather, watering of plants, vegetables & especially raised beds & greenhouses becomes a necessity that can take up a lot of...

This weekend I had given myself a task of building a support frame for my raised beds. I needed a support frame to hold and support garden netting over my raised beds – protecting my crops beneath. Garden netting provides the best control against garden pests as it is fully organic and very...

The rain and the warm conditions mean that pest control is top priority this week. Blight warnings have been issued on Met Eireann, so if you are growing potatoes you should spray your crops with Bordeaux Mixture or Proxanil to prevent the spread of the fungus. The warm conditions will also...

This weekend saw my first harvest of the year and my final transplanting which really means the raised bed garden is now in full swing. The one crop that I have shown the least amount of attention has been my mixed salads seeds, nonetheless they have already rewarded me with my first harvest of...