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Ground Cover Rose - Description
- Potted Ground Cover Rose Plant
- AKA Carpet Rose
- Variety: Flower Fairy King
- Potted Rose Plant
- Pot Size: 2 Litres
- Ground Cover & Spreading Rose
- Colour: Dark Red
- Shades May Vary from Light Red, to Medium, to Dark Red
- NOTE: If you require a Specific Red (once stock is available)
- Please add a Customer Comment on your order & we will try to accommodate you
Rosa 'Fairy' - Characteristics
- Flowers: Large, dense, double blooms
- Flowering: May to November - Repeat bloomer
- Colour: Dark / Deep Red
- Mature Height: 20 - 30cm
- Mature Spread: 100cm
- Growth rate: Fast
- Habit: Low, Spreading
- Fragrance: Mild
- Very hardy plant & resistant to disease
- Easy to grow
- Long flowering season
- Rich foliage colour
- Compact, low growing bush
- Naturally disease resistant
Rosa 'Fairy' - Uses
- Deep red Roses are ideal for impact in borders
- Always position Roses in a sunny spot
- Low, spreading plant - Ideal for ground cover
- These ground cover plants can reduce garden maintenance
- Use to under-plant Birch trees, standard Roses or taller shrubs
Rosa 'Fairy - Planting Instructions
Sowing Time
- Potted rose plants can be planted any time of year
- Do not plant in frosty conditions
Hole Preparation
- Dig a big planting hole. 1½ x 1½ ft
- Mix in well rotted manure
- Also mix in a small handful of fertiliser
Handling the Plants
- Take care not to damage plant's roots
- Soak plant pots in water for 10 minutes before planting
- Water again after planting
- Feed plants over the Summer months
- Use a fertiliser high in potassium
- Apply rose clear to foliage to prevent mildew, rust & greenfly aphids
Pruning Roses
- Roses need to be pruned back each year
- They will grow fast & develop several flowering stems each year
- In early Spring, once worst frost has past prune the roses
- Cut out all dead, dying & diseased branches
- Remove any crossing over or rubbing stems
- Prune back remaining stems to approx. 30cm above ground level