Great for Nature Trails. Increase Your Gardens Biodiversity
Re-introduce Native Irish Flowers Into Your Garden
Re-introduce Native Flowers Into Your Garden
Attract Bees & Butterflies to Your Garden With These Wildflower Seeds
Low Growing Mix of Irish Wildflower Seeds
Create a 100% Native Irish Grassland Meadow
Ideal for Woodlands or Under Deciduous Trees
Special Selection of Low Maintenance Irish Wildflowers
Direct Sow Native Irish Wildfliower Seeds
Native Cowslip, Primula Veris. Meadow Perennials for Spring Bloom
Pack of Irish Primrose Seeds
Pack of White Clover Seeds (Trifolium Repens)
Pack of Red Clover Seeds (Trifolium Pratense)
Hyacinthoides Non Scripta
Native Red Campion Seeds. Tall Meadow Perennials